Znajdź zakwaterowanie i złóż niewiążące zapytanie


Nasz zespół redakcyjny zawsze stara się dostarczać szczegółowe i dokładne informacje. Może się jednak zdarzyć, że wydarzenia zostaną zmienione i nie będziemy w stanie aktualizować ich w czasie rzeczywistym. Dokładne informacje na temat dat, godzin i programów można uzyskać bezpośrednio od organizatora.
Mt. Plose is watching you from above, the sun warms your face and in your hands you have a brand-new bike… In autumn, this scenario will come true for several days during the big MOUNTAINBIKE Testival in Brixen.

From 19th to 22nd September 2024, several renowned bike producers will present their news for the next bike season. 

This year's MOUNTAINBIKE-Testival in Brixen in Eisacktal will surely be a thrilling experience, where you have the opportunity to try out brand-new bicycles, participate in interesting workshops, meet international bike pros and enjoy an attractive supporting programme. 

New & well-tried parts of the Testival

The MOUNTAINBIKE-Testival takes place on and around the cathedral square in Brixen. On the one hand, there you can try out new bikes, equipment and more. On the other hand, there are offered many guided freeride and cross-country tours in the Dolomites. Furthermore, the offer of the MOUNTAINBIKE includes a large exhibition area with many experts.

Further information & registration:
Organizator: Brixen Tourism Cooperative
ul.: Regensburger Allee 9
Lokalizacja: I-39042 Brixen
Tel.: +39 0472 275 252
e-mail: info@brixen.org
Sieć: www.brixen.org
19.09.2024 - 22.09.2024
Cathedral square - Brixen
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from 110 €
Hotel & Spa Falkensteinerhof

Only 300 meters from the nearest ski slope incl. ski pass service at the hotel.

To the hotel




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