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Alta Pusteria Choir Festival

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The Alta Pusteria International Choir Festival presents every summer folk songs, gospels and operas from all over the world. Numerous singers fill the villages, churches, castles and mountain huts in the Dolomites with their voices and melodies.

For the unique choir festival the pristine landscape between Sexten and Bruneck, Prags and Antholz, Villgraten and Mt. Kronplatz offers an exceptional variety of forcing houses, churches, castles, huts or imposing natural sceneries in the great outdoors. 

With its large range of folk and mountain songs, spirituals and operas, the Alta Pusteria Choir Festival is one of the most notable choir events throughout Europe. Significant is the internationality of the choirs, because there are arriving groups even from Hawaii, Florida, Korea or Nigeria. Of course, among the participants are also choirs coming from all over Europe and from all regions of Italy. 

Also for the next edition of the International Choir Festival in Hochpustertal the organizers expect many melodious participants.

Further information:
Organizator: Alta Pusteria Festival
e-mail: info@festivalpusteria.org
Sieć: festivalpusteria.org
11.06.2025 - 15.06.2025
Various locations in Hochpustertal - Toblach
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Alta Pusteria Festival

Alta Pusteria Festival

Alta Pusteria Festival

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