Chestnut fair in Völlan-Tisens
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In autumn, guests in Lana and environs learn everything they have to know about the chestnut's significance, from the woodland to the kitchen.
The chestnut was once part of local farming life. It was ground into flour and baked into chestnut bread. Old recipes from those days have been rediscovered, chestnut bread traditionally baked in old stone ovens, and farmers' wives sell chestnut pasta and other chestnut treats at the market.
Culture, gastronomy and tradition meet in this special event "Chestnut fair" in Völlan-Tisens from 20th October to 3rd November 2024 during the popular time of the harvest tradition called "Törggelen".
Further information:
Tourist office Lana near Meranul.: Andreas-Hofer-Straße 9/1
Lokalizacja: I-39011 Lana
Tel.: +39 0473 561 770
20.10.2024 - 03.11.2024
Prissian, Lana & Völlan - Tisens
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