Znajdź zakwaterowanie i złóż niewiążące zapytanie

Three Peaks Alpine Marathon

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Thanks to the challenging racecourse and the unique mountain scenery, the Drei Zinnen Alpine Run is surely one of the most impressing and breathtaking running events in South Tyrol.

During the last years, the participants had to manage the so-called original distance that starts in Sexten. Then the runners have to pass Sexten-Moos, the valley Fischleintal, the shelters Zsigmondy and Büllelejoch, before they reach the Böden Lakes and the refuge in front of the world-famous Three Peaks.

All in all, they have to get over 17 kilometres and 1,354 meters of difference in altitude. Therefore, the athletes – amateurs and pros – have to be very fit.

Further information:
Organizator: Südtirol Drei Zinnen Alpine Run
Tel.: +39 0474 710 310
e-mail: info@dreizinnenlauf.com
Sieć: www.dreizinnenlauf.com
Na: sobota 13. września 2025
Pora dnia: 09:00 Zegar
Three Peaks - Sexten
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Drei Zinnen Alpine Run

Drei Zinnen Alpine Run

Drei Zinnen Alpine Run

Drei Zinnen Alpine Run

Drei Zinnen Alpine Run

Drei Zinnen Alpine Run

Drei Zinnen Alpine Run

Informacje o okolicy
