Farmers' cuisine in Hinterpasseier
Nasz zespół redakcyjny zawsze stara się dostarczać szczegółowe i dokładne informacje. Może się jednak zdarzyć, że wydarzenia zostaną zmienione i nie będziemy w stanie aktualizować ich w czasie rzeczywistym. Dokładne informacje na temat dat, godzin i programów można uzyskać bezpośrednio od organizatora.During the event weeks called “Farmers' cuisine”, several inns and restaurants invite tasting hearty home cooking prepared according to recipes of grandmother’s cook book.
The menu choice could hardly be more varied and tempting: Regional soups, all kinds of dumplings and tasty side dishes such as potatoes and sauerkraut lead the culinary round dance. They are followed by traditional game and meat dishes, specialities with mountain herbs and sweets such as “Riibl” made of buckwheat, typical fritters and the everywhere popular “elder pan”.
Traditional dishes for every taste
In short: The farmers’ cuisine in Pfelders, Rabenstein und Platt satisfies every gourmet. If your mouth is already watering, you should absolutely take note of these speciality weeks in Passeiertal in your calendar and schedule a visit to one of the participative inns:
- Residence & Bistro Panorama, Pfelders/Moos
- Gasthof Rabenstein, Rabenstein/Moos
- Restaurant Rosmarie, Pfelders/Moos
- Gasthof Hochfirst, Rabenstein/Moos
- Gasthof Platterwirt, Platt/Moos
- Hofschank Steinerhof, Pfelders/Moos