Last load of grapes
Nasz zespół redakcyjny zawsze stara się dostarczać szczegółowe i dokładne informacje. Może się jednak zdarzyć, że wydarzenia zostaną zmienione i nie będziemy w stanie aktualizować ich w czasie rzeczywistym. Dokładne informacje na temat dat, godzin i programów można uzyskać bezpośrednio od organizatora.In order to put symbolically an end to this year’s grape harvest, on 11 October 2025, the last load of grapes will be brought on a decorated veteran tractor in the little village near Eppan.
The festival will begin at 11 am at the Tannerhof and at 2:30 pm the colourful parade will start towards the church square in the village centre. It will be accompanied by the local band and a number of people wearing historical costumes and carrying old equipment of the grape harvest.
Relic wine press
Observed by the strict “Saltner” – the traditional custodian of the vineyard in Southern South Tyrol – and in the presence of many spectators, the freshly harvested grapes are pressed in an old wine press. Of course, you can immediately taste the grape juice – as well as some good drops of wine of the local wineries, roasted chestnuts, speck rolls and home-made sweet fritters.
ul.: Bahnhofstraße 7
Lokalizacja: I-39057 St. Michael-Eppan
Tel.: +39 0471 662 206
Pora dnia: 11:00 Zegar