Herbert Pixner Projekt
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The band Herbert Pixner Projekt gives two concerts in the Kurhaus of Meran in South Tyrol within the Tour 2024.
The band “Herbert Pixner Projekt” has been delighting its fans with authentic and incomparable music since many years – more than 1,000 sold-out concerts and a half a dozen gold records are the proof. Who sees the exceptional South Tyrolean musician Herbert Pixner and his congenial and members Manuel Randi, Werner Unterlercher, Heidi Pixner and Alessandro Trebo live, will experience a firework of joy and positive energy.
Herbert Pixner concerts in South Tyrol:
- 30.10.2024 at 8 pm: Kurhaus of Meran
- 31.10.2024 at 8 pm: Kurhaus of Meran
Pre-sale tickets:
- Online via www.ticketone.it
Further information:
Herbert Pixner ProjektTel.: +43 5223 48214
e-mail: booking@herbert-pixner.com
Sieć: www.herbert-pixner.com
- śr 30. paź 2024
- cz 31. paź 2024
Kurhaus - Meran
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