Lake Kaltern Triathlon
Nasz zespół redakcyjny zawsze stara się dostarczać szczegółowe i dokładne informacje. Może się jednak zdarzyć, że wydarzenia zostaną zmienione i nie będziemy w stanie aktualizować ich w czasie rzeczywistym. Dokładne informacje na temat dat, godzin i programów można uzyskać bezpośrednio od organizatora.The triathlon competition at Lake Kaltern at the beginning of May is an event not to missed by all passionate Triathlon athletes. At its 36th edition, the race will attract a high number of national and international athletes as during the past years too.
It is not necessary to say that Lake Kaltern is the perfect location for this type of events. The vineyards and fruit orchards surrounding it offer breathtaking views, especially in spring! The region’s mild climate is ideal for cycling, running and swimming, and the area is simply the most ideal place sports competition of this kind.
The race will be held at Olympic distances. In fact, there will be 1.5 km of swimming, 40 km of cycling and 10 km of running. A really tough competitions for only the best ones!
The race will start at 2 pm with swimming, followed by cycling and running. For recharging the energies after the race, there will be a pasta party at 5 pm. Afterwards, there will be the prize-giving ceremony and Triathlon Night in order to celebrate all together.
Race programme – 10th May 2025:
- Form 9:00 am to 12:00 pm: Registration and distributions of starting papers
- 1:00 pm: changing zone closed and participants meet at the start (Hotel Seegarten beach)
- 1:30 pm: competition discussion
- 2:00 pm: start
- 5:00 pm: pasta party
- 6:00 pm: prize-giving ceremony
- 8:00 pm: Triathlon Night
Lokalizacja: I-39052 Kaltern
Tel.: +39 0471 961 068
Pora dnia: 14:00 Zegar