“Graukäse” days in the Ahrntal Valley
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During the “Graukäse” days in the Ahrntal Valley, you can taste the spicy grey cheese from Ahrntal and learn more about its local producers.
From 7th to 15th September 2024, there will be the “Graukäse” days in Ahrntal. The original South Tyrolean speciality is still today produced in the mountain huts of Ahrntal, with much love and skill. The spicy Alpine cheese is produced of skimmed milk by cows on the pastures. Its unmistakable aroma is created by maturing several weeks. Due to the grey-green natural mould, that gives the grey cheese its name, the aroma is developed with its delicate bitter notes too.
During the “Graukäse” days, you can enjoy numerous culinary events in the local cheese dairies and hops, delicious grey-cheese menus, and guided visits.
Further information:
Tourist Office Ahrntalul.: Ahrner Straße 22
Lokalizacja: I-39030 Luttach
Tel.: +39 0474 671 136
e-mail: info@ahrntal.com
Sieć: www.ahrntal.com
07.09.2024 - 15.09.2024
Various locations in the Ahrntal Valley - Ahrntal
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