Merano Magic Festival
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The rabbit out of a hat-trick or simple sleights of hand are nothing compared to the illusions and modern magic tricks that await you at the Merano Magic Festival!
The Merano Magic Festival is undoubtedly the most important magic event in South Tyrol. Suspense, confusion, entertainment and magic are combined in a show that will amaze spectators of all ages.
Breathtaking performances by internationally renowned magicians will transform the historic town of Meran into an arena of magic for the 12th time. A spectacular gala of international calibre will take place in the Kursaal Meran on 20 September 2025. Great illusionists and mental magicians will “enchant” you in the truest sense of the word.
Merano Magic Festival: Let yourself be enchanted!
Further information:
Merano Magic Festivale-mail:
Na: sobota 20. września 2025
Pora dnia: 21:00 - 23:00 Zegar
Pora dnia: 21:00 - 23:00 Zegar
Kurhaus - Meran
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