Easter market in Bruneck
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Enchanting Easter decorations, gift ideas and homemade delicacies at the Easter market on Town Hall Square in Bruneck.
With spring comes Easter, one of the most beautiful holidays for young and old, because everywhere it sprouts and blossoms.
At this time of year, people like to take a relaxed stroll through the streets, enjoy the sun's rays and get inspired. How good that from 10 to 12 April 2025, the Easter market will take place on Town Hall Square in Bruneck.
From 10 am to 6 pm, many artisans, hobby artists and various market stands present enchanting Easter decorations, various own creations, and homemade delicacies for the holidays.
An exciting celebration for everyone. There will be no shortage of a colourful variety of gift ideas and perhaps, the one or the other Easter bunnies will find an enchanting surprise for the little nest.
Bruneck Kronplatz tourism
Rathausplatz 7 - 39031 Bruneck
+39 0474 555722
10.04.2025 - 12.04.2025
Pora dnia: 10:00 - 18:00 Zegar
Pora dnia: 10:00 - 18:00 Zegar
Town hall square - Bruneck
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