Vinschger wine market
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At the Vinschger wine market, visitors can taste a large variety of wines from Vinschgau and other regional culinary specialities.
On Sunday, 11 August, various Vinschger wine farms will present their products from 11 am to 6 pm on the town hall square at Naturns. Wines and nobile brandies as well as fruit juices and marmalades can be tasted and bought at different stands. The selection of fine wines ranges from Riesling and Pinot Blanc to Pinot Noir and Vernatsch to grappa and apricot brandy.
In addition, Vinschger farmers sell bread, cheese, bacon and sausage and there is a fine snack stand too. In this way, the Vinschgau wine market enables visitors to enjoy a journey through the diverse world of flavours of the Vinschgau region. The entrance fee is €15.
Tourism coop. Naturns
Rathausstraße 1 - 39025 Naturns
+39 0473 666 077
Na: niedziela 11. sierpnia 2024
Pora dnia: 11:00 - 18:00 Zegar
Pora dnia: 11:00 - 18:00 Zegar
Village centre - Naturns
Dorośli: 15 €
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