Mareiter Stein Attacke
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The Mareiter Stein Attacke mountain run in Mareit near Sterzing is an event that no enthusiastic runner should miss.
On 9 August, the trail running race, the Mareiter Stein Attacke, will take place for the next time in Mareit in the Eisacktal Valley.
The race is divided into 3 categories, depending on the route and difficulty:
- The RACE category, the most demanding, has the Mareiter Stein as its goal, is 4.8 km long and overcomes a difference in altitude of 1,180 metres. For this race, participants must be in possession of a sports medical certificate. Trekking poles are also recommended.
- The HOBBY run, on the other hand, has the Kerschbaumer Alm as its destination. The runners have to master 5.5 km and 830 metres in altitude. A sports doctor's certificate is not required for this run.
- On Friday, 8 August, there is also a children's race on a small or large course, depending on age.
You can register at Each participant will receive a race number and race pack before the start.
Further information:
ASV MAREIT/Volksbanke-mail:
Na: sobota 09. sierpnia 2025
Mareit - Ratschings
Dorośli: 25 €
Dzieci: 10 €
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