Zamek Runkelstein
Znajdujesz się tutaj na nierównym, a przede wszystkim historycznym gruncie: w końcu bruk i mury graniczne stromej ścieżki pochodzą z tego samego okresu, w którym zbudowano zamek, a mianowicie z XIII wieku. W tym czasie zamek został zbudowany wysoko na porfirowej skale Runkelstein, aby kontrolować handel między Bolzano a Sarentino.
W XIV wieku zamek nabyli bolzańscy kupcy Franz i Niklaus Vandoies. Aby zademonstrować swój kosmopolityzm i zbliżyć się do szlachty, zlecili namalowanie wyszukanych fresków. Dziś należą one do największego zachowanego cyklu średniowiecznych fresków. Freski przedstawiają sceny z życia codziennego dam dworu i Renonów, turnieje i polowania. Nic dziwnego, że zamek nazywany jest również Bilderburgiem.
Latem na zamkowym dziedzińcu odbywa się wiele imprez muzycznych, a w programie są także przedstawienia teatralne. Wizyta w zamku jest obowiązkowa dla miłośników kultury. Runkelstein znajduje się u wejścia do doliny Sarentino w pobliżu Bolzano na południu Południowego Tyrolu i można do niego dotrzeć krótką, ale stromą ścieżką. Do zamku kursują również autobusy wahadłowe z parkingu przy drodze.
Więcej informacji i godziny otwarcia:
Zamek Runkelstein
Emperor Franz Josef Way, I-39100 Bolzano
Tel.: +39 0471 329808
E-mail: runkelstein@runkelstein.info
Strona internetowa: runkelstein.info

The Medieval castle near Bozen is situated at the entrance of Sarntal valley and can be reached by a steep footpath. It accommodates the largest preserved cycle of frescoes of the Middle Ages. In summer, there are many events in the castel courtyard.
Internet Consulting - Fabian Auer
The Medieval castle near Bozen is situated at the entrance of Sarntal valley and can be reached by a steep footpath. It accommodates the largest preserved cycle of frescoes of the Middle Ages. In summer, there are many events in the castel courtyard.
Internet Consulting - Fabian Auer
The Medieval castle near Bozen is situated at the entrance of Sarntal valley and can be reached by a steep footpath. It accommodates the largest preserved cycle of frescoes of the Middle Ages. In summer, there are many events in the castel courtyard.
Internet Consulting - Fabian Auer
The Medieval castle near Bozen is situated at the entrance of Sarntal valley and can be reached by a steep footpath. It accommodates the largest preserved cycle of frescoes of the Middle Ages. In summer, there are many events in the castel courtyard.
Internet Consulting - Fabian Auer
The Medieval castle near Bozen is situated at the entrance of Sarntal valley and can be reached by a steep footpath. It accommodates the largest preserved cycle of frescoes of the Middle Ages. In summer, there are many events in the castel courtyard.
Internet Consulting - Fabian Auer
The Medieval castle near Bozen is situated at the entrance of Sarntal valley and can be reached by a steep footpath. It accommodates the largest preserved cycle of frescoes of the Middle Ages. In summer, there are many events in the castel courtyard.
Internet Consulting - Fabian Auer
The Medieval castle near Bozen is situated at the entrance of Sarntal valley and can be reached by a steep footpath. It accommodates the largest preserved cycle of frescoes of the Middle Ages. In summer, there are many events in the castel courtyard.
Internet Consulting - Fabian Auer
The Medieval castle near Bozen is situated at the entrance of Sarntal valley and can be reached by a steep footpath. It accommodates the largest preserved cycle of frescoes of the Middle Ages. In summer, there are many events in the castel courtyard.
Internet Consulting - Fabian AuerZamki i pałace
Wybrane zakwaterowanie in Bozen

- Next to the fair centre of Bozen
- Air-conditioned seminar room
- Garden with pool
- Wellness area
- Breakfast on the terrace/conservatory