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Ski Cross World Cup in Innichen

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Suspense, action and speed: At the beginning of winter, the international Ski Cross World Cup comes again to Hochpustertal.

Shortly before Christmas, the slopes of the Haunold are once again the scene of action-packed Ski Cross races. This year's races in Innichen promise to be an experience once again, as the world's best ski crossers have already registered for the race weekend on the Haunold.

The four races are certainly worth seeing: Four athletes start simultaneously down a course which is built with artificial obstacles, jumps, bends and waves. 


  • Friday, 20.12.2024: Finals SX 1 (12:15-13:45 pm)
  • Saturday, 21.12.2024: Finals SX 2 (13:00-14:25 pm)
Further information:
Organizator: Tourist Office Innichen
ul.: Pflegplatz 1
Lokalizacja: I-39038 Innichen
Tel.: +39 0474 913 149
e-mail: info@innichen.it
Sieć: www.drei-zinnen.info
20.12.2024 - 21.12.2024
Ski area Haunold - Innichen
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