Strawberry Festival in Martell

Nasz zespół redakcyjny zawsze stara się dostarczać szczegółowe i dokładne informacje. Może się jednak zdarzyć, że wydarzenia zostaną zmienione i nie będziemy w stanie aktualizować ich w czasie rzeczywistym. Dokładne informacje na temat dat, godzin i programów można uzyskać bezpośrednio od organizatora.
Red and juicy strawberries! Many people join this sweet berries to summer, ice-cream, the smell of nature and forest. At the end of June, the valley of Martell dedicates a festival to this sweet berries!

They are bright red, have a splendour of green hair and taste just like they did when we were children romping through the woods looking for the sweet little wild strawberries. You can collect them yourself in the forest or in the garden, or you can look for the sweet little things in the supermarket. Unfortunately, they often only sell oversized strawberries that look great but do not taste very good.

A berry-red treat

The strawberries in Martell in South Tyrol are different. It is hard to believe, but there at 1,300 m above sea level in Vinschgau, the summer fruits thrive wonderfully. Their taste is sweet and fruity, their size normal. Up there, they grow in clean mountain air, they are nurtured by hard-working farmers and protected by the mighty Alpine giants.

Once a year, on the last weekend in June, during the Strawberry Days, the big South Tyrolean Strawberry Festival takes place in Martell. At the strawberry festival, gourmets can taste strawberries from the various farmers and, of course, buy and try all kinds of strawberry variations. A colourful supporting programme also awaits you.

Further information:
Organizator: Strawberry Days in Martell
ul.: Meiern 96
Lokalizacja: I-39020 Martell
Osoba do kontaktu: Cooperative for regional development Martell
Tel.: + 39 0473 745 509
Na: niedziela 29. czerwca 2025
Various locations in Martell - Martell
Udostępnij wydarzenie:

IDM Südtirol-Alto Adige/Armin Huber

Informacje o okolicy
