from 90 €
Hotel Saltauserhof
Wellness hotel | St. Martin in Passeier
from 230 €
Alpenpalace Spa Retreat
Exclusive well-being oasis | St. Johann in Tauferer Ahrntal
from 125 €
Hotel Waldhof
Vitalpina Hotel | Rablà near Meran
from 70 €
Alpwellhotel Burggräfler
Wellness hotel | Tisens near Meran
from 122 €
Majestic – Unique Spa Resort
Wellness hotel | Reischach at Mt. Kronplatz
from 220 €
Quellenhof Luxury Resort Passeier
Sport & wellness resort | St. Martin in Passeiertal
from 110 €
Grand Hotel Bellevue
City hotel | Meran
from 141 €
Vitalpina Hotel Schulerhof
Active hotel | Plaus near Meran
from 144 €
Hotel Sand
Hiking - biking hotel | Kastelbell-Tschars
from 181 €
Luxury . Ayurveda & SPA | Olang at Mt. Kronplatz

Rzeźbienie w Val Gardena

Jeszcze zanim Val Gardena stała się znana jako miejsce wypoczynku w Dolomitach, dolina Val Gardena słynęła już z artystycznych rzeźb w drewnie.

W przeszłości dolomitowa dolina Val Gardena była w dużej mierze odcięta od świata zewnętrznego, a przeważająca ludność wiejska pokonywała długie zimy rzeźbiąc w cieple swoich salonów. Dodatkowy dochód ze sprzedaży rzeźb był również mile widziany, więc tradycja rzeźbienia w drewnie była przekazywana z pokolenia na pokolenie.

Woodcarving art from Gröden
Woodcarving art from Gröden

The woodcarving art in Gröden is known far beyond the national borders. The handmade cribs are particularly impressive.

DOLOMITES Val Gardena / Gröden - Andreas Senoner
Traditional Christmas customs
Traditional Christmas customs

Christmas Crib from Gröden

DOLOMITES Val Gardena / Gröden - Andreas Senoner
Woodcarving art from Gröden
Woodcarving art from Gröden

The woodcarving art in Gröden is known far beyond the national borders. The handmade cribs are particularly impressive.

DOLOMITES Val Gardena / Gröden - Andreas Senoner
Woodcarving art from Gröden
Woodcarving art from Gröden

The woodcarving art in Gröden is known far beyond the national borders. The handmade cribs are particularly impressive.

DOLOMITES Val Gardena / Gröden - Andreas Senoner
Woodcarving art from Gröden
Woodcarving art from Gröden

The woodcarving art in Gröden is known far beyond the national borders. The handmade cribs are particularly impressive.

DOLOMITES Val Gardena / Gröden - Andreas Senoner
Woodcarving art from Gröden
Woodcarving art from Gröden

The woodcarving art in Gröden is known far beyond the national borders. The handmade cribs are particularly impressive.

DOLOMITES Val Gardena / Gröden - Andreas Senoner


Pierwsze pisemne wzmianki o snycerzach z Val Gardena pochodzą z XVII wieku: Christian Trebinger i Melchior Vinatzer stworzyli imponujące barokowe dzieła dla kościołów St. Christina i St. Ulrich - od krzyży i świętych postaci po szopki i ołtarze. Rzeźby stawały się coraz bardziej popularne, a ich dystrybucja coraz bardziej zorganizowana i około 1850 roku około połowa mieszkańców Val Gardena pracowała jako rzeźbiarze. Wykonywano nie tylko dzieła sakralne, ale także świeckie. Na przykład połączone lalki Grödnera były eksportowane aż do Ameryki.

ART52 – handicrafts exhibition
ART52 – handicrafts exhibition

52 craftsmen from Gröden Valley, present their works in St. Ulrich during a permanent exhibition.

ART52 – handicrafts exhibition
ART52 – handicrafts exhibition

Gröden Valley is known for its woodcarvers far beyond the regional boundaries.

ART52 – handicrafts exhibition
ART52 – handicrafts exhibition

The exhibition in the congress building in St. Ulrich in Gröden is daily open for visitors.


Muzeum i wystawy

Muzeum Gherdëina w Ortisei oferuje przegląd tradycji rzeźbiarskiej Val Gardena z ostatnich stuleci, od łóżeczek po drewniane zabawki. Ci, którzy są bardziej zainteresowani aktualnym stanem sztuki rzeźbienia w drewnie w Val Gardena, powinni wybrać się do domu kongresowego w Ortisei: Tam stała wystawa Art 52 prezentuje wszechstronność artystów i rzemieślników z Val Gardena codziennie od 9.00 do 22.00. Istnieje również grupa UNIKA: wielu artystów i rzemieślników tego stowarzyszenia Val Gardena co roku pokazuje swoje prace na targach rzeźby UNIKA.

HAPE Sculptures – Woodcarving works from Gröden
HAPE Sculptures – Woodcarving works from Gröden

HAPE Sculptures in Gröden produce traditional figures, cribs, religious motives, gift ideas and designer pieces.

HAPE Sculptures

Tradycja i teraźniejszość

Do dziś Val Gardena, wraz z Laion przy wejściu do doliny Val Gardena, pozostaje centrum sztuki snycerskiej, ale utalentowani snycerze są również w innych obszarach, takich jak dolina Aurina lub dolina Sarentino. Istnieje specjalny znak jakości przyznawany przez Południowotyrolską Izbę Handlową dla czysto ręcznie wykonanych rzeźb z Południowego Tyrolu. Ponadto istnieje marka Gardena Art, którą mogą się szczycić produkty wykonane w 100% w Val Gardena zgodnie z tradycyjnymi kryteriami obróbki drewna.

Demetz Patrick woodcarvings
Demetz Patrick woodcarvings
Dursanstr. 37 - 39047 - St. Christina/Gröden
HAPE Sculptures – woodcarvings
HAPE Sculptures – woodcarvings
Pontives 14 - 39040 - Lajen
+39 0471 796900
Grödner Holzschnitzereien
Grödner Holzschnitzereien
Talweg 5 - D-86978 - Hohenfurch
+49 88619090990

Aktualne oferty wakacyjne

from 100 €
Hotel Tirolerhof

Welcome to Tirolerhof. The perfect place for your active holidays – skiing, cross-country skiing and relaxing. Directly at Mt. Kronplatz in Gsies Valley.

To the hotel
from 141 €
LANERHOF Relax & Active Retreat

Relaxing spa retreats, exquisite cuisine, and guided adventures in nature.

To the hotel
from 168 €
SOLVIE Calm Inspiring Getaway

An inspiring panoramic getaway for lovers of peace.

To the hotel
from 190 €
WINKLER 5-Star Design Hotel

Breathtaking views and a dreamlike spa area are waiting for you!

To the hotel


Woodcarving in Gröden
Woodcarving in Gröden

Gröden is famous for its woodcarving art. Already in the 17th century, artistic holy figures were produced for churches. Afterwards, the production also included cribs, various sculptures and the typical Gröden dolls, which were also exported to America.

Demetz Patrick & Co. KG
Woodcarving in Gröden
Woodcarving in Gröden

Gröden is famous for its woodcarving art. Already in the 17th century, artistic holy figures were produced for churches. Afterwards, the production also included cribs, various sculptures and the typical Gröden dolls, which were also exported to America.

Demetz Patrick & Co. KG
Woodcarving in Gröden
Woodcarving in Gröden

Gröden is famous for its woodcarving art. Already in the 17th century, artistic holy figures were produced for churches. Afterwards, the production also included cribs, various sculptures and the typical Gröden dolls, which were also exported to America.

Demetz Patrick & Co. KG
Woodcarving in Gröden
Woodcarving in Gröden

Gröden is famous for its woodcarving art. Already in the 17th century, artistic holy figures were produced for churches. Afterwards, the production also included cribs, various sculptures and the typical Gröden dolls, which were also exported to America.

Demetz Patrick & Co. KG
Woodcarving in Gröden
Woodcarving in Gröden

Gröden is famous for its woodcarving art. Already in the 17th century, artistic holy figures were produced for churches. Afterwards, the production also included cribs, various sculptures and the typical Gröden dolls, which were also exported to America.

Demetz Patrick & Co. KG
Woodcarving in Gröden
Woodcarving in Gröden

Gröden is famous for its woodcarving art. Already in the 17th century, artistic holy figures were produced for churches. Afterwards, the production also included cribs, various sculptures and the typical Gröden dolls, which were also exported to America.

Demetz Patrick & Co. KG


Wybrane zakwaterowanie in Gröden

Avita - suites to relax - St. Ulrich in Gröden
  • Exclusive apartments for an unforgettable holiday
z 57 € dziennie
Hotel Talblick - St. Ulrich in Gröden

Hotel Talblick

St. Ulrich in Gröden
4,6 Doskonały
5 Zalecenia

Family-run hotel in a sunny location above St. Ulrich, with a homely atmosphere and fantastic panoramic view of the surrounding mountains.

z 105 € dziennie
Ariola Dolomites Apartments - Wolkenstein in Gröden

Holidays in the middle of a paradise for active vacationers, in comfortable apartments & with wonderful wellness oasis!

z 85 € dziennie
Residence Flamingo - Wolkenstein in Gröden
  • In a panoramic position with a view of the Dolomites
  • Well-kept, cosy flats
  • Fresh bread on request
  • Wellness area with sauna, whirlpool and gym
  • Starting point for many activities in every season
z 67 € dziennie